By Soena Muja, student at John Jay College, CUNY
To be raised in a household engulfed in education is an opportunity. It is an opportunity so rare in a culture in need of liberation from its primitive ancestral mindset. Education is the key to opening doors to experience and personal achievement.
Growing up, education surrounded me and filled every crevice of my being. From my parents being teachers, my uncle and aunt professors, many cousins and family-friends with diplomas and PhD’s, education was abundant and inspiring. My parents pushed me to be curious and to ask questions. I loved spending time in libraries, learning new things and reading books. I found comfort in books and fell in love with writing. I knew growing up I would continue to higher education and work in the field of politics and law.
To deprive oneself of education is to deprive the entire world of one brilliant mind. A mind that carries the skills necessary to lead a nation, cure diseases, end poverty, improve economies, and save lives. We are powerful as people, but also as an Albanian community. We are brilliant and curious people. We wish to see the world, to experience and to educate ourselves, but rarely step out of this desire and push to make it a reality. Set goals to feed your mind new information every day, for you are not limited to the information taught in a classroom. To be different and to make a change, you must first be willing to take steps beyond the minimum. Study harder, read more books, fall in love with something and pursue it every day.
We must keep our curiosity alive and feed it knowledge every day. Every chance you see, grasp it and take it. Every door opened, enter and explore. Your mind must be fed in order to grow and your mind holds the ability to change the world, but only if you are willing to allow it. Let’s work together to enrich our lives as individual and as a community.